

We are a diverse church community based in Harrow, North West London. Everyone is welcome, whether you are exploring answers to life's big questions or firmly committed in your faith. Please use this site to find out more about our church community and how you can connect with us.

You are warmly invited to worship with us whether in person or online. Our Sunday gatherings are live-streamed and include dedicated groups for children and young people



We’re really excited to take part in this event over the next little while. Please do keep an eye on our events page, social media and click the link below to find out more.


Try out church with us

Whether you are exploring answers to life's big questions or firmly committed in your faith, you are warmly invited to try out church with us.

You are welcome to join us online or in our beautiful building on Roxeth Hill, with services every Sunday and plenty more opportunities to connect and worship online through the week.

Follow our journey

Like us on instagram, Facebook and YouTube.